AMMS Master Table
Field Name Format Description
i_numb integer -
i_name text -
i_dept text -
i_typ text -
mnt_dtls text -
i_indate date -
i_drawing text -
equipment_type text -
asset_name text -
component text -
assembly_name text -
origin text -
sub_components text -
status_id integer -
spec_make text -
spec_model text -
spec_serial text -
spec_size text -
spec_capacity text -
spec_speed text -
spec_spares text -
spec_amps text -
spec_other text -
supplier text -
purchase_date date -
purchase_cost text -
puchase_order_no text -
disposal_date date -
spec_volts text -
spec_dutypoint text -
asset_id integer -
equipment_type_id integer -
spec_dutypoint2 text -
spec_depth text -
spec_depth_to_screen text -
spec_screen_length text -
spec_casing_size text -
spec_standing_water_level text -
spec_roof text -
spec_walls text -
spec_floor text -
spec_shut_off_head text -

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